OASIS Residential Treatment Services
Addictions / Substance Use
Provided by Ruth & Naomi's Mission (RAN Mission)
The facilities provide a structured environment and professional staff to support residents in their recovery; first, recovery of their lives and then to help in their reintegration into the community, work place, back to school, or into other life-giving options. Services are designed to encourage the development of new coping strategies, support networks, healthy lifestyles and independence, all within an alcohol and drug-free environment.
Individuals interested in accessing the treatment service can apply online or by downloading a paper application.
RAN Mission's Residential Addiction Treatment Services are funded through the B.C. Ministry of Health and B.C. Housing for those on Income Assistance. Clients on Income Assistance are fully paid for and the Ministry will issue a Comforts Allowance of $95.00 per month. There is a fee of $36.17/day ($1100/month) for self-pay clients.
A full-range of program services are provided. The Daily Fee includes a single or shared room with bed and bedroom furnishings, bedding, towels, laundry, all utilities, hygiene products, food (three meals per day), internet access, recovery programming, most programming supplies and life-coaching. The Resident has the right to occupy and use the furniture in the bedroom he/she is assigned to for the term indicated. The Resident acknowledges and accepts that bedrooms may be shared occupancy. The Resident may have shared use of space, furniture and effects in the common areas with other occupants, including kitchen, bathrooms, lounges, dining area and laundry facilities.
Public email: recoverhere@ranmission.ca
Website: https://www.ranmission.ca/services
Service is available in English.
Cost: No cost or Private pay
Associated Programs/Services
Also offered by Ruth & Naomi's Mission (RAN Mission):
Service area: Chilliwack
Service Types Provided
Ways to Access
- Provided in a group in-person
The listing of this service in Pathways is not a recommendation or endorsement by Pathways.